понеделник, 28 декември 2015 г.

Силфида с нежно сърце

Силфида с нежно сърце
Ксения Киселинчева, PhD

Мария Илиева е една от прима‑балерините на Националната опера и балет. На 11 години е избрана да продължи обучението си в Балетното училище в Санкт Петербург (тогава - Ленинград) като отговаряща 100% на високите критерии. И до днес тя смята, че точното й място е там. През 1986 година тя става лауреат на Международния балетен конкурс във Варна. В 1988 година е избрана от Юрий Григорович за неговата брилянтна постановка в София на „Лешникотрошачката”. Следват нейни оригинални интерпретации на целия спектър от женски роли в балетния репертoар от Одета – Одилия в „Лебедово езеро” до Маргарита  Готие от „Дамата с камелиите”. Завоюва званието "прима" в 1990 година. Маша Илиева умело администрира като директор на Националния балет (2001‑2003). Тя е и всеотдаен педагог в нейната частна балетна школа за деца, основана в 1995г. В 2000 г. защитава магистърска степен по балетна режисура и педагогика и издава своя труд като книга, която запълва бяло поле в детската балетна педагогика. Доц. д‑р Маша Илиева е преподавател по исторически танци и класически репертоар в Музикалната академия "Панчо Владигеров". Занимава се с благотворителна дейност.
Срещнахме се в едно бистро наблизо до операта. Свърталище на много артисти, които отскачат там между изнурителните репетиции на чаша чай или кафе и нещо за хапване. Разбира се, това върви паралелно с размяна на закачки и шеги с колеги, с настоящи или бивши приятели. Мобилният й настъпателно се намесваше в разговора ни и тя се принуди да го изключи. Току‑що идваше от репетиция на „Лешникотрошачката”, където води репетициите на младите надежди. Като всеки лаик, имах смътната представа, че пътят към върха в изкуството е самотна Голгота. Но се изкушавах да надникна в детайлите на ежедневната битка, където и дъските на пода бяха напоени с пот, кръв и сълзи.
- Какво се случи след като се върна от Русия?
- Бях на 17, най‑младата. Тогава беше златната ера на Калина Богоева, Вера Кирова и Красимира Колдамова. Изобщо не се виждах някой ден да заема тяхното място в някоя от главните роли. По-младите колеги вече танцуваха малки роли, а аз бях на последна редичка… Дори не ме пращаха на състезания. После, лятото на 1986-та дойде наградата във Варна, а малко по‑късно Ю. Григорович дойде в София и ме избра за главната роля в Лешникотрошачката. Както обясняваше той - тук Маша забави темпото - не само заради изрядната техника, но най‑вече заради огромния скок, с който се отличавах. За обаятелното ми присъствие като актриса се грижеха руски специалисти от Болшой театър, изпратени, за да помагат при постановката.
- А кога - полюбопитствах аз - имаше реални предпоставки за да те удостоят с титлата "прима балерина"?
- За някои - след майсторско изпълнение на една главна роля. Но в моя случай, титлата дойде след като изиграх всички основни роли от балетния репертоар. Изиграх ги с индивидуален почерк. Особено се вълнувам, когато търся начин да предам героичното и драматичното в характера на героинята.
Както и в другите изкуства, помислих си аз. Изрядната техника не е достатъчна. Трябва като че ли да напипаш нови нюанси в образа, които публиката да усети и да се развълнува от преоткриването на своята представа за дадена героиня ...
И така, всеки ден е различен за Маша. Понеделник е в Музикалната академия. А в останалите дни е като днес - безкрайни репетиции в Операта. Събота сутрин е в школата за деца.
Знам, че финансирането на изкуството у нас е голям проблем. Затова я питам дали намира спонсори, готови да подпомагат млади таланти.
- Да - съгласява се тя - много е трудно. Но аз не се предавам лесно. Например, в 2000-та основах трупата "Младият балет на България". Направихме турнета из страната и участвахме в "Охридско лято". След това създадох организация със същото име и сега с помощта на спонсори помагам в областта на оперното и балетно изкуство.
- Друга твоя постановка в Операта е "Спящата красавица" (2014). Какви бяха непредвидените трудности при нея?
- Трудности имаше, но те не бяха непредвидени. Слава богу, имах подкрепата на целия екип - сценограф, художник по костюми, диригент, администрация. Това беше мега‑спектакъл с повече от 100 човека, които излизат на сцената. Всичко трябва да бъде координирано, за да постигна цялостно въздействие. Спектакълът мина блестящо, билети се търсят месеци преди поредното представление.
- Много твои колеги заминаха за чужбина. Защо избра да останеш тук?
С присъщата й самоирония Маша вдига рамене и отсича:
- За мен има само един отговор: съд‑ба!
И тъй като разговорът беше потръгнал, поръчах по още една чаша чай. Маша си гледа часовника, но проявява разбиране. Опитвам се да дръпна още една нишка от кълбото въпроси, в които съм заплетена:
- Спори се много за експериментите при класическия балет? Разбирам, че и класиката трябва да се направи по-близко до съвременния зрител. Какво мислиш за балетисти, танцуващи почти голи на сцената и правят откровени еротични внушения?
- Да, това е нещо, предизвикващо различни мнения. Според мен, зависи от постановката - голото тяло може да въздейства по различен начин.
- Всяка нова медия поставя под въпрос предишните медии. Интернет вече застрашава например телевизията. Но тази нова медия най-вече се състезава с изпълнението на живо. Кошмарно видение за всички изпълнители е заплахата от празния салон. Какво мислиш за това?
- Интернет е полезна вещ, но живото изпълнение е неповторимо преживяване.
Въртя се в кълбото от възникващи въпроси и дръпвам друга нишка:
- Кои според теб качества на характера са решаващи, за да се изяви по-пълно вроденият талант?
Маша никога не се взема на сериозно, когато става дума за такива помпозни неща, и с усмивка отговаря:
- Дисциплина, трудолюбие и себеотдаване. И много други неща.
- А учиш ли децата в школата освен на балет, още и на тези и други ценности?
- Старая се, когато работят с мен, да могат да видят и възприемат своеобразен образец, колкото и да е трудно.
- Как според теб се развива през последните години Международният балетен фестивал във Варна?
Очите й светват и тя с ентусиазъм заявява:
- Фестивалът преживява истински ренесанс. Освен обичайните участници от Корея и Китай, които винаги показват много добра техника, тази година имаше участници дори от Гранд Оперȧ в Париж и от Большой театр. Стана време за репетиция и затова изстрелях последния си въпрос:
- Нещо ново на фронта на благотворителната ти дейност?
- Последно, дарих сума за сдружение "Деца с онко‑хематологични проблеми". А с Фондация "Ангелия" имаме нов проект, но ще говорим за него, когато му дойде времето ...

Седмичник "Животът днес", 21.12.2015,

1. Маша в "Лебедово езеро"
2. Маша в "Спящата красавица"
3. Децата от Школата преди конкурс

4. Благотворителен бал 2011 

неделя, 27 декември 2015 г.



Prof. Vladko Panayotov is deputy rector of the University of Mining and Geology. He has been an EU MP since 2007. His major line of activity is directed to the processing of ores and minerals, water purification and introducing new technologies for extracting copper and gold from industrial waste. Prof. Panayotov is honorary member of the Russian Mining Academy and the Balkan Mining Academies. For introducing an environmentally friendly technology for processing lead and zinc ores, he is awarded with a gold medal at the International technical fair in Plovdiv.

A Bulgarian scholar created a clean technology for extracting non-ferrous metals from industrial waste, i.e. copper, nickel, aluminum etc. In this way, the inventor put an end to the use of cyanides, acids and bases which detrimental to the environment and to people’s health. Another huge benefit, coming from his innovative method is the reduction of industrial waste which is another global pollutant with long-term consequences.

-        Prof. Panayotov, could you tell us more about your innovative method which is in the process of being patented on a world-wide scale, including the most developed countries?

-To begin with, we tested the new technology in a pilot project in Elshitza. After the trial period, the method has been introduced routinely. It has been processing the industrial waste from the Plovdiv plant for ferrous metals. In 2007 we presented and defended successfully before the European Parliament an international project. It envisages the creation of an European Technological Center near Plovdiv with the participation of great Britain, Portugal and other EU member-countries. With this project, research of industrial waste recycling is given a kick start which is to be financed by the Marie Curie Fund within the range of 3 million euros.     
-        What was the response to presenting your innovation at the World Congress on Raw Materials Processing in Beijing last year?
-        There was massive response to my presentation of the new technology and offers to patent it on all continents. I also presented another new technology, connected with water purification, especially removing the highly toxic arsenic. Wherever there are gold deposits or deposits of other precious metals, there is a lot of arsenic. This is another instance of dialectics - good goes alongside with evil. My water cleansing technology is directed to arsenic removal from industrial waste water. My method does not apply other chemicals to eliminate the arsenic, which makes it revolutionary and environmentally friendly. There was great interest shown to it by countries like US, Canada, Australia which will be among the first to apply for patent rights.
-        What is your vision about the water deficit which is to be expected on a world-wide scale in the next 20 years?
-        The only way out is purification and recycling of water, industrially polluted. It is completely unacceptable to use it only once, it should be cleansed and recycled.  

-What are your immediate plans about the future?

-My future plans are connected with my work in the environmental commission in the European Parliament and are related to Bulgaria’s global interests. One of them refers to looking for alternative sources of energy. Another one refers to reducing environmental pollution ‑ neutralizers on cars, filters on factory chimneys, recycling waste, etc. As far as alternative energy sources are concerned, a seminar was held in Brussels, dealing with hydrogen fuel and biomass second generation. I mean biomass from dead leaves, sawdust, straw, etc. ‑ when processed in a specific way, they turn into gas. As we well know, fossil fuels cannot last more than another 50 years. Germany is quite advanced in using hydrogen in public transport vehicles – cars, trains, trucks and buses. US is  about to launch the first hydrogen-fuel and pilot-free Boeing, Japan have launched the arrow trains, Denmark is running hydrogen fuel train between two railway stations. The incentive, where Bulgaria takes part is the divisive recycling of waste. The key point is to cultivate consciousness and responsibility among citizens which is yet to be improved. Waste is a resource - there is invested in each bottle energy, light, heat. This is a serious source of material welfare in all areas - clothes‑making, construction and packaging. Denmark is a telling example in this respect.
-        What are the major criticisms to Bulgaria in the EU Parliament?
-        Up until now, the attitude is encouraging us to get in pace with other EU countries. I have stood up for amendments of EU law, defending Bulgarian interests. This is done with keeping in mind our long-term industrial policy, our environmental legislation, etc. In the EU complaints and despair don’t work - to achieve success, you must target the common interests, the common motivation. A major issue is a Bulgarian lobby, as the one Romanians have.
-        And again about the precious depleting resource of water in seas, rivers and oceans - how could it be purified from continual pollution?
-        The soil is a very sensitive resource, once polluted, it is lost forever. A lot is to be done for education of young in environmental awareness. This has to be implemented through school education and family upbringing. There must be control, concerning the divisive disposal of metals, glass and paper.
-        What are your academic projects in this area, so vital for saving the planet?
-        I have published a book in co-authorship with leading Bulgarian and foreign scientists. It focuses mainly on hydrogen fuel, second generation biomass fuels and the conservation of CO2 emissions. We have to act too, following the example of Germany, Denmark, Italy. As an EU MP, prof. Panayotov firmly believes he can achieve a lot, using deftly the levers of the EU Parliament. Because he is not just a politician there, but a world-recognized scientist. In all his projects other EU member-countries like Germany, Great Britain and Italy are involved and EU finances are to be allotted.
It’s so stimulating to talk to positive, proactive and inspired personalities like prof. Vladko Panayotov. If all of us had some of his fervor and dedication, Bulgaria would be a different place to live in and to invest in.

Interviewed by Dr. Ksenia Kisselincheva

Sofia Echo weekly, 2008

събота, 28 ноември 2015 г.

Не само птиците могат да летят / Нова изложба на Никола Манев

неделя, 4 януари 2015 г.

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN ACTRESS “For me acting is a way to feel alive”

“For me acting is a way to feel alive”

I last watched Katia Paskaleva at the “199” studio theatre in Rakovsky Street. She was doing “The Bum”, her first and only one-man show by Jean Claude van Italy. On that night, the barrier between performer and audience seemed to have collapsed, as if they were both participating in a religious rite. The vibrations from stage to audience and back were palpable in the air and she was acting not simply out of professional habit, but out of a sacred inspiration, which was finely tuning her, from one minute to the next, to her act of impersonation. It all had the spontaneous enchantment of a jazz jam session. Then, when the show was over, we felt struck by her magic and were reluctant to go. So, each of us tucked away a piece of the virtual reality we had partaken of together and continued living with it for days on end. After I left the theatre I had the strange feeling I was not quite the same person any more, I could hardly pass by a bum on the streets of Sofia, without a sense of immediate bonding to him, a sense that, like me, he or she was one of God’s children. So, instead of pretending not to notice them, as we all usually do, I will discreetly drop a few bobs in their hat or can, careful not to hurt their human dignity...
Here I am now, a few months later, in Katia’s living room, sitting with her at the round table with a bowl of tangerines in the middle, fully equipped with a recording device and well-rehearsed questions. But suddenly I discovered that I am off the track of the usual interview- she must have played a professional “trick” on me-but somehow our conversation turned into an adventure, where we both explored each other and the world around us. I shared with her my impressions from her last performance at the studio theatre and she smiled in a roguish manner: ”In this production both I and the director were playing with fire, we were challenging the conventional attitudes of the audience, we were aiming at making it my own partner. But audiences have a different response from one night to the next, you can’t always achieve that. I am very much in love with this character that has refused to fit into the pigeonholes of society.  Clara is not simply a marginal character,  a bum from New York Central Park. I hope I have managed to bring across to the spectators some of her remarkable qualities, her defiant love of freedom and her sense of personal dignity, for example. It was a lucky coincidence that I had just returned from New York when we started working on this play.  So I still had about me the exhilarating sense of liberation I had experienced there, washing away our silly Balkan prejudices and inhibitions.”
We had a good laugh with Katia when she told me about the practical joke, that she and friend of hers had cooked up. It goes like this - one day, Katia put on Clara’s clothes and bum accessories like patched bags and bucket and lay down on a bench in a garden near the theatre, right in the city center. Svetla, her friend who was a well known photographer from BTA started taking pictures of her. The next day BTA issued the following message which went like this: “Katia Paskaleva, the eminent film and theatre actress has been noticed to sleep like a bum on a bench and to scavenge the dustbins for food”. The “Duma” newspaper took the message at face value and blew it out of proportions. It published an emphatically framed photo of Katia’s real-to life impersonation in the garden, with a portentous subtitle “The Fate of the Actor”. What a lovely friendly take-off! As Katia loves to say “You should take your work seriously, but you shouldn’t take yourself too seriously.”
She really takes her work god damn seriously. And every time she goes onstage, she is tense and worked up as if she is doing it for the first time. Each time, she  puts herself to the test, she stretches herself to the utmost. Many of her colleagues cannot understand this idiosyncrasy of hers. They expect her to be comfortably nestled in her professional routine. She never speaks out her cues the same way, something which annoys a lot of her fellow actors who can’t wait to have the curtain down. She is always exploring new possibilities, always adding up new touches to her role. When she accepts a new role, she takes her time to gradually get the feel of it, to hit the right pitch. Katia admits she gets completely absorbed and lost in her work. She spends most of her time in the rehearsal hall or on the shooting site, the virtual reality takes over from real life. There’s hardly any time to sleep during that hectic stretch but there is always time to carouse and have a shot with “the gang”, to love and then to hate the director or an acting partner and so on, building up to the climax of the first night show or performance...
If you ask Katia about the best years in her life, she wouldn’t hesitate to choose her first five years at the Pazardjik Theatre. It was one among a few provincial theatres, a kind of off-Broadway, where away from the dogmatic stalemate of the capital, experimentation was thriving. Those bohemian provincial communes produced some of the best actors and directors, many of whom made a difference in Bulgarian film and theatre history.
It was exactly there that Katia worked with Metody Andonov, who finely “molded” her talent before she made her debut in the cinema. “The Capricorn” (1972, director Metody Andonov, screenplay by Nikolay Haytov) was the first Bulgarian film which won world-wide recognition in the 60’s. It took by storm all reputable film festivals. The film was nominated for the Oscar awards for both directing and acting. The formal reason for missing this golden opportunity: the film was in black and white? One among many awards, it received “The Silver Hugo” for brilliant cameraman-ship.
“The Capricorn” has stood the test of time and stands on a par with 20th century classics like Kurosava’s Rashamon and Paradganov’s “The Shadows of Our Ancestors”. Katia assured me there was “a special astrological configuration” while they were shooting the film - they were all ecstatic and spontaneous like children, for instance she and her co-star Anton Gorchev went on riding escapades and were nearly perished.
Later she revealed various new facets of her formidable talent in a number of films but she says she never felt the magic spell which possessed all the crew while shooting “The Capricorn”. In 1991 she starred as leading actress in “Silence” directed by Krassimir Kroumov, an elitist artist, much acclaimed in Germany.

In the post-communist era there were quite a few years when Katia missed acting in the cinema badly and dreamt about it... Recently, a month ago, she starred in a film again and she was truly excited. “Visited by God” is based on a few novellas of the eminent Bulgarian writer Stanislav Stratiev and in Katia’s words “the film has a constellation of first class actors in it.”
And as far as the theatrical scene goes, my companion is quite positive and optimistic. In spite of the financial hardships, the Bulgarian theatre is in real upswing and she gasped for breath to name just a few out of the numerous significant theatrical events all over the place. Moreover, she had recently been to New York and she had seen an avanguard production of Chekhov’s “Three Sisters” at the La Mamma Theatre. “It’s a pilgrimage you have to make now and again to recharge your batteries and to embark on a new adventure. As my maestro Boyan Danovsky used to say: to jump into the abyss and to attempt to fly...”   

Sofia Western News Monthly, December 1999